





Just couldn't help yourself, could ya?

Just couldn't help yourself, could ya?

Well now that I've got you right where I want you, here's a random assortment of things I've done that have less to do with UX than my other stuff that has little to do with UX.

Well now that I've got you right where I want you, here's a random assortment of things I've done that have less to do with UX than my other stuff that has little to do with UX.


This is a song I made about the Call of Duty League


This is a song I made about the journey from designing to developing a button

Self Portrait

Here we have a picture of what I have become since quarantine… In terms of body composition

Self Portrait

And this is where we step into a time machine and take a look at what I used to look like before 2020


Oh, here's a pic of our favorite Kenyan president


This is actually a picture of my wife… it has only just occurred to me at this very second that I probably shouldn't have portrayed her simultaneously having that belly and smoking. You know what? It's actually not my wife… I think it's someone else's wife


This is the same wife as before. Fun Fact: I have never drawn my wife's mouth… but she has one, trust me

California Innocence Project

This is just some storyboarding I did when I was redesigning the website for the California Innocence Project

Digital Pantry

This is just some story boarding I did when I was doing a little UX project called "Digital Pantry"


This was my first foray into motion with After Effects. It's a walk cycle… with a shoe